Saturday, July 30, 2011

If you never searched for the truth

If you never searched for the truth
come with us
and you will become a seeker.

If you were never a musician
come with us
and you will find your voice.

You may posses immense wealth
come with us
and you will become love's beggar.

You may think yourself a master
come with us
and love will turn you into a slave.

If you've lost your spirit,
come with us
take off your silk coverings,
put on our rough cloak
and we will bring you back to life.

In our gathering one candle lights hundreds,
we will light your path and give you courage
so you will open like a flower
and join in our joyous laughter.

Plant the seed of truth and watch it grow
when it spreads its branches
come with us and sit under the blossoms.
Your eyes will open to the secret of Truth.

Dear Heart,

Sit only under a tree
that is full of blossoms
sit only with those who know and understand you.

In the bazaar of herbs and potions
do not wander aimlessly find a potion that is sweet.

If you are not careful people will rob you in no time
you will take counterfeit coins for real.

Do not fill your bowl with food from every pot you see.

Not every joke is humorous, not every eye can see,
not every sea is full of pearls,
do not search for meaning where there isn’t one.

Dear Heart,

Lay down your head
and one by one let go of all distractions.

Sing the song of longing like nightingale
and let its sound cast a spell on every stone, on every thorn.

Embrace the light and let it guide you
beyond the winds of desire,
there you will find a spring that will nourish your spirit
and by its sweet waters like a tree
you will bear fruit for ever.

Some Digging in the Ground

An eye is meant to see things.
The soul is here for its own joy.

A head has one use:
For loving a true love.
Feet: To chase after.

Love is for vanishing into the sky.
The mind, for learning what men
have done and tried to do.

Mysteries are not to be solved:
The eye goes blind when
it only wants to see why.

A lover is always accused of something.
But when he finds his love,
whatever was lost in the looking
comes back completely changed.

I Have Learned So Much

So much from God
That I can no longer
A Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim,
a Buddhist, a Jew.

The Truth has shared so much of Itself
With me
That I can no longer call myself
A man, a woman, an angel,
Or even a pure

Love has
Befriended Hafiz so completely

It has turned to ash
And freed
Of every concept and image
my mind has ever known.